
• Nov 5, 2014 - 09:36

Hallo, can somebody explain me why, after transposing several bars, the Bb-tuba keeps the same signs (# or b) as f.i. voices.
Also F-tuba doesn't change in signs.
Bb-trumpet and alt-sax (Eb-instr.) on the contrary, do change as they should.
Do I have to correct Bb-tuba by hand?

See below.


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Proef transponeren.mscz 1.97 KB


Hmm, I think you might be confused. Tubas, despite their names, are not normally transposing instruments. That is, music for a Bb tuba is *not* normally written transposed up a step like it would be for other Bb instruments. I think this is done only in British brass bands and maybe sometimes in one or two Eastern European countries. So unless that's where you - and more particularly , the musicians who will be reading your music - are, then you shouldn't be trying to transpose your tuba music.

But if you *are* writing for British brass bands or for musicians in those one or two other countries where tuba music is sometimes transposed, then it's not Note Properties you need, but Staff Properties - set the Play Transposition controls.

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