User interface - Staves

• Dec 31, 2009 - 02:38

I know that the present method allows great control, but as a user, I would prefer a simpler way to set the layout.

Tonight I am writing a lead sheet, cut time, 32 bars with a 2 beat pickup. Not many notes, simple.

I would like to be able to specify, " 1 page (1/2 page), 8 staves, 1st stave to be five bars to include the pickup".

At the moment I am required to do the tedious calculations that I feel the computer should do. I now have to use spacers and set various parameters to get a layout that should be very simple.

One way would be to ask, "How many bars to the page?" and then fully fill a page with that number of bars. (e.g. 33, 500, etc.).

Warm regards.


I have discovered that by going to: Style>General style>System, there is a tool for setting the number of bars per system.


The suggestion is that this be moved to the Measure section rather than the System section - I believe it is more intuitive.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

It would be useful to be able to change the number of bars per stave. For example, the requirement I mentioned, where I want 4 bars per stave, except for the fist stave which, because of a pick up bar, should have 5 bars so that the visual structure matches the musical structure,


In reply to by xavierjazz

I totally agree with this. Right now I'm doing a piece, and I'm trying to retain as much from the original page layout as I can. Meaning:
- first system should contain the first five bars
- second system should contain next four
- third ... (following the original)

Maybe like this: select x bars, right click, and select 'group in one system'..?

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