Corrupted File but with no crash?

• Nov 26, 2014 - 00:05

Okay so I worked on a piece all day and when I saved it everything was I closed out and when I go to open it in the morning it gives me an Error saying cannot read file? I have tried to find a back up file but for some reason there are no files from that date and i made 3 pieces that day and there are no back up files. Can someone help me.

Musescore 2 beta
Windows 7

Attachment Size
closer.mscz 0 bytes


The attachment says it is 0 bytes; not going to get far with that I'm afraid.

Do you display of hidden files enabled? Backup files are hidden by default now on all OS's, I believe. Also check the AppData folders for MsueScore for the auto-save versions.

In reply to by mac_daddy02

There's literally nothing in the autosave folder? Are you sure you're in the right folder? Not sure, but for the Beta build on Windows 7, I think its /Users/YourName/AppData/Local/MuseScore/MuseScore2/. If it's a nightly build other than the beta, it might be MuseScoreDevelopment instead of MuseScore2.

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