c++ code for playing grace notes

• Nov 30, 2014 - 19:16

Can someone point me to the c++ code which plays the grace notes.
I'd like to understand how it works.
I've downloaded the source already, so a file name and line number would help a lot.



Looks to be pretty self-contained. FWIW< my biggest grip is that it seems to be totally "relative", meaning the longer the base note and slower the tempo, the slower gace notes play. That's appropriate for appoggiaturas but not acciaccaturas. In the line where the base note's "ontime" is set to either 128 or 500 (these are in 1/1000ths of the total note length), I'd like to see the 128 be somehow sensitive to tempo and note length so that the *absolutely* length of the acciaccatura remains more or less constant, not its percentage of the total note length.

On the surface at least, it sure looks like if set ontime to be smaller for acciccaturas on long notes (long in duration and/or tempo), everything else would take care of itself.

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