
• Dec 6, 2014 - 19:44

Okay, I just found a song, and it SWINGS! If you want the link, here it is:
Somehow, this guy made it swing! If any of you know the trick, can you please tell me?

-Tony McCahill


I don't know how *he* did it, but in 1.3, you can force swing by a fairly painstaking process of adjusting the note properties for all of the eighth notes & dotted quarters - ontime & offtime offsets. Of course, you can also use the Swing facility in the Play Panel, but that only affects playback in the current session; it isn't saved with the score.

For 2.0, it will be much simpler - drag the word "Swing" from the Text palette, and it works. You can even swithc between swing & straight, or have one staff swing while the others don't, or control the swing ratio. Feel free to download a nightly build (see Download link at top of menu at right) to play with this feature. But the scores can't be uplaoded to msuescore.com yet - probably not until 2.0 is actually released.

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