SVN revision 2606: Ctrl-X (cut) has no effect

• Jan 14, 2010 - 19:54

Procedure: click on first note (a quaver rest), click on the last note (three bars total).
Press Ctrl-X or Select Edit > Cut
The selection does not change.
Click on a measure in an empty stave and press Ctrl-V (or select Edit > Paste) and nothing changes.
The output is
Version 0.9.6 read 0.9.6
write session file
enterState <>
MuseScore::changeState: STATE_NORMAL
enterState <>
select element type 0(state 0) staff 1
sel setState 1
select element type 1(state 1) staff 1
sel range
sel setState 3
select element type 0(state 3) staff 0
sel setState 1
select element type 0(state 1) staff 0
sel setState 1
select element type 0(state 1) staff 0
select element type 1(state 0) staff 0
sel range
sel range measure
sel setState 3
cannot paste selState 3 staffList 0
cannot paste selState 3 staffList 0

With the above procedure copy/paste works.
I attach the file for testing.

Thanks again for MuseScore, I hope this report is of use to you.

Attachment Size
Fugue_CMajorB-4.mscz 2.09 KB


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