Sharp-4 chords

• Dec 11, 2014 - 22:03

So I like to do as Mark Levine does in The Jazz Theory Book and write #11 for dominant seventh chords and #4 for major seventh...1.3 does not support this (typing "Cma7#4" does not work). It has Cma7#11 and Cma7b5 but not #4. I don't see anything about 2.0 supporting this, but 'twould be helpful. Thanks.


Actually, will 2.0 support pretty much anything you can type at it. The improved chord symbol parser is one of the major new features. Cma7#4 works just fine, as do pretty much all variations you could think of - Cmaj7#4, CM7(#4), etc. Here's a list of improvements in the 2.0 Beta release form a few months ago -

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