
• Dec 26, 2014 - 19:48

I hope this hasn't been asked before. If it has, I apologize. I notice that slashes are no longer a plug-in. They have been added to a drop down list. Has the issue of the slashes changing position when a key is changed?


I assume the drop down list you refer to is the "Head group" control in Inspector. This is meant for setting noteheads of individual notes for custom purposes; it is really the replacement for the old Note Properties dialog, not for the slash notation plugin. The slash notation plugin has been replaced by the much smart Edit / Tools / Fill With Slashes and Edit / Tools / Toggle Rhythmic Slash Notation. "Fill With Slashes" works like the old sladsh plugin with the default option, except you don't have to worry about clkefs, keys, or transposition - the slashes are always fixed to the middle staff line (you can actually change *which line after the fact using the Inspector). "Toggle Rhythmic Slash Notation" works like the old "rhythmic" and "accent" options in the plugin, except again, it's all completely automatic. Anything selected in voice 1 or 2 gets converted to ordinary rhythmic notation (full size slashes on middle line), whereas anything selected in vocies 3 or 4 gets converted to "accent" notation (small slashes above/below staff). And again, you don't have to worry about clefs, keys, or transposition.

This all assumes you are using the Beta 2 release; these were not in the Beta 1..

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks Marc.

I'm using Beta 2 for 2.0. When I said drop down, I meant drop down menu from the edit tab.

This is a great improvement from 1.0.

I've found that scores can be opened from 1.0 into 2.0 Beta 2 but they sort of stand alone on their own. What I mean by this is in the slash entry. If slashes where used in 1.0 and the score was opened on 2.0. a key change will move the slashes. Or, perhaps being a novice, I'm just not doing it right.

Any way, great job. Now onto trying to move the first stave lower on the page. Haven't got that one yet.

In reply to by rwmol

The 1.X slashes were just plain notes that happened to have slash heads - they were not the new "special" slashes that stay fixed to a line. Clef and key changes made in 2.0 thus affect the slashes the exact same way they did in 1.3, and ditto for transposition. It works to just select the slash-filled regions and run "fill with slashes" to convert them to new 2.0-style slashes; same for the sections you wish to update to the new-style rhythmic notation. In fact, I was just working on a arrangement a couple of hours ago where I did exactly that; worked just fine.

The distance above the first staff on the page is controlled in more or less the same ways as in 1.3 - first and foremost by the top page margin (layout / page settings), next by the music upper margin (style / general / page). If there is frame above the first system, the vertical frame lower margin (style / general / page) is the main control over the space betwene frames and music, but it can be overrided using the "gap" settings for the specific frame (use Inspector).

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