Support for Alt-f command shortcuts

• Jan 11, 2015 - 20:50

MuseScore supports "Alt-f r" to open the list of recent files, but none of the other standard Alt-f combinations (e.g. "Alt-f s" to Save, "Alt-f c" to Close). Is there any chance these could be added? Every other program I've ever used on Windows has support for these, and I find the Ctrl combinations awkward. And, of course, many of the commands in the File menu currently have no Ctrl or Alt shortcut at all.


See #42041: Add menu mnemonic - File / &Export, etc. I actually looked at fixing this, but ran into a problem - the letters A-G seem hardcoded to try to enter notes, so "Alt+F E" for example won't active Export even if I try defining it to do so by naming the menu "&Export". I haven't looked into how to fix that, but I suspect it might be systtem-dependent.

Meanwhile, though, while I don't udnerstand what you find more awkward about Ctrl+letter than Alt+F followed by letter, you can customize shortcuts in Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts. Multi-keystroke shortctus are supported, but it doesn't seem to work to define "Alt+F, E" - the Alt+F bring up the menu, then E continues to try entering a note. but Alt+X (or any Alt+letter not already used by the menu) works.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

When I say "awkward", I don't mean physically awkward, as if my fingers can't make the required movements; I mean mentally awkward. After 20 years (or whatever it is) of using Microsoft Windows, my brain is hardwired to use the Alt-f combinations for commands in the File menu. Asking me to learn different shortcuts for these commands for just one program out of the dozens I use every day seems a bit much. Not that it can't be done, but it is, in a word, awkward.

In reply to by ghicks

Gotcha. I don't suppose you have any programming expertise you could lend to figuring out how to get the letters A-G to stop trying to enter notes while a menu is open?

If nothing else, I'll probably add ones that don't involve the letters A-G. But it's kind of a drag, as those are often the msot natural choices.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I wish. I have programming expertise, but it's all in the database backend area. I did a tiny bit (really: on the order of weeks) of Windows UI work in the late 90's but that's long since been purged from memory.

I'm really surprised that an open menu doesn't just grab the input focus without your having to do anything. I wonder if there's anyone at work I could ask.

In reply to by ghicks

FWIW, we use the "Qt" libraries for all UI handling, as it provides a platform-independent way of doing things. So whatever is going on, it is within Qt, but that doens't mean there isn't something we can do about it. Probably some special Qt function we need to call, flag we need to set somewhere, etc.

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