Need Help creating a Score

• Jan 14, 2015 - 17:44

Good Morning,
My daughter is in a music group at her high school and is wanting to try out for a vocal talent show. She wants to sing The House of the Rising Sun as performed by Haley Reinhart from the Show American Idol season 10. The requirement for the try out is that we have the music to hand to the piano player. My problem is that i cannot find the exact sheet music for that specific version. I have tried many sites but cannot find it. I tried to use this program and not being too successful. Im looking for someone to be able to do that for me. If there is anyone that can give me advise on this, please let me know. I have tried to bring the music CD to a local music school and they didn't have anyone who to accomplish this. I would be happy to compensate for your time and supplies. Please just let me know. Thank you


Just been listening to Haley Reinhart's version.

It is pretty much a carbon copy of the "original" Animals version from 1964, apart from the unaccompanied first verse.

I would have thought that any accompanist worthy of the name would be able to reconstruct that version from a simple lead sheet showing melody and chords.

One word of warning - if your daughter is planning to sing this from a backing track, then it is a recipe for disaster - the unaccompanied first verse means that unless there is a foot control available to start the backing track at a particular point, then there is the potential for the backing to start either too early or too late!

Googling "house of the rising sun lead sheet" produces 167,000 hits. I'm pretty sure at least one of those will be suitable.

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