Bug: Multi-measure rest drops fermata (pause) on a rest

• Jan 16, 2015 - 04:39

I was doing some concert band music the other day, to transpose from parts we don't have to instruments we do have. Ran across an odd behavior. There was a section of 2 bars rest, a bar of rest for a fermata (pause) on the rest, and two more bars rest. Looked like individual bars in the score.

In the part, multi-measure rests are enabled. This section turned into a 5 bar multi-rest, and the fermata was missing. I duplicated the effect in the attached file. This is problematic, because it loses meaning.

If I don't have whole bars of rest (see soprano sax part), then it doesn't collapse them and the pause stays. But the whole rest loses the fermata. That's problem.

Attachment Size
Multi-measure_rest_drops_fermata.mscz 16.52 KB


With my little musical experience, I had once in orchestra a part where a fermata was hidden by a multimesure rest .....
But you can force musescore to cut the multimesure rest . In your main score, you select for all instrument the mesure with the fermata, right click , mesure properties, "exclude from multimesure rest" .... and normally in your parts it will works.....

Does it help ?

There are a number of things that automatically breaks multimeasure rests - double bars / repeat signs, coda/segno/ds/dc, time / key signatures, rehearsal marks. For other element types, MuseScore gives you the choice - it doesn't break them by default, but you can override this decision by settings the "break" property on the measure as described above.

Normally it would indeed be easiest to do this from the score. But if you are not working for a score - you entered the part separately for whatever reason - you could simply turn multimeasure rests off temporarily.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Having read these replies, and remembering that I had seen that box before, I opened my file again and selected that bar in the score. Right-clicked and selected "Measure Properties". Set the checkbox to selected (i.e. checked) for that, clicked "Apply" and "OK", and ...


The parts did not change - the multi-measure rest was still one long rest, with no fermata.

I'll try it again a few different ways tonight, starting from scratch. My usual approach to creating things is to start with the score, with multi-measure rests turned off, and do all the note entry. Then I'll turn on multi-measure rests and create the parts.

I was using the 2.0 beta 2 to do this. Haven't tried with any different version.

In reply to by GuyWithDogs

Ah, yes, it seems if you make modifications in measure properties for the score *after* you have generated parts, those aren't necessarily reflected in the parts. We might want to reconsider this.

But the other approach I mentioned works just fine - press "M" to temporarily turn off mmrests in the parts, set the measure properties you want, then press "M" again. Note the fermata won't appear over the mmrest itself - that wouldn't be standard, and seems like it would be confusing: how would someone reading the score know *which* measure within the rest it applied to? Instead, you would normally set both the measure with the fermata *and* the following measure to break the rest, so that the measure with the fermata is completely excluded from the mmrest. That way people reading the score know exactly when it occurs.

But if you do really want a fermata over the mmest itself, you *can* place one there manually.

BTW, you don't have have to turn on mmrests in the score before generating the parts - they are always automatically turned on for parts.

In reply to by GuyWithDogs

To be clear, in general, most changes to the score *do* affect parts. There are only a specific set of modifications where this doesn't happen, and these were chosen because they are modifications that it was felt one would often *want* to have different between score and parts. Or in a couple of cases, maybe just oversights or bugs.

Well, I just searched this and it was no help. I CAN'T create a whole new project because I've spent at least a week formatting parts for my concert band score. I did try, to see if it would help, and before creating the parts I did what was suggested.
It didn't work. Please make it a feature so that it automatically makes the fermata measure a different one. I've rarely seen it in any other situation the way musescore does it.

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