Misplaced stems/beams after copy from treble to bass clef

• Jan 26, 2015 - 13:20

Anyone else experienced this?


It was the result of copying the passage from the top stave (treble clef) to the next stave down (bass clef)

Have not tried to reproduce this yet

Windows 8.1 Pro
MuseScore 2.0 commit be86863

Attachment Size
MisplacedStems.png 78.89 KB


I could see that happening if in the top staff even single stem and beam had in fact been manually adjusted in some way and the code to duplicate the adjustments in the new staff got it wrong, That would also explain why Ctrl+R fixed it.

I can reproduce something sort of like it by entering a note into the treble clef, using the Inspector to move the stem one click to the left, and then copying to the bass clef. The stem is drawn at the same position relative to the *staff* rather than the same position relative to the *notehead*. I guess that's a bug, but I would imagine there are other cases where we do want things to be drawn at the same position on the staff. Probably not stems though.

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