Accessing Note Head Group Enum in QML

• Jan 27, 2015 - 03:53

I'm working on a simple plugin to convert note heads according to the seven-shape system. Looking at the Note class on Github, I see that a headGroup property is exposed. How do I access the Group enum in QML to change its value?

I tried just assigning the integer values of the enum, but I get the error "Cannot assign int to Ms::NoteHead::Group".


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Right. I need to know how to access those valid enum values in QML.

I would expect something like note.headGroup = headGroup.HEAD_MI or note.headGroup = Note.Group.HEAD_MI (guesses based off of looking at the Note and QmlPlugin classes) to work. I have tried just HEAD_MI, HEAD_DO, etc... as well. I'm looking for how those enum values are exposed.

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