Website Handbook : Feature Request

• Feb 5, 2015 - 16:19


I'd like to know if it would be possible (for certain long pages I think that can be more "necessary" than other) to have a "summary table title" that will retake section title at the top of the page. (with link to that section?)

Like for Create a new score
* Start Center
* Create a New score
* Title, Composer and other information
* Instruments and voice parts
* Add linked staff to an instrument
* Select Key signature and Tempo
* Time signature, pickup measure (anacrusis), and number of measures
* Adjustments to score after creation
* Templates

In wikipedia style (I know that isn't....) they are made automatically from page "structure" .......

I know that may not be easy to automatically do, but I think as Handbook 2.0 is a little bigger from 1.3rd one, that may be usefull. (and with the "table" of page it would be easy to know if you are (normally ok) on the right page, and to go to a specific section....


Look at how is compiled the page that you mentioned: With a click on the Edit tab, and a click on "More information about formatting options" you can look at how to do (but I think you already know).
I do not know if anything has changed, for the previous handbook (et similia) the criterion was: "Do! If it is not good someone will correct it"
When I crossed the line ;-), at worst, I received a polite email of clarification/instructions
(never stop learning)

Attachment Size
More.png 48.38 KB

In reply to by Shoichi

Oh that nice , but it isn't what I want.....
and it is visible only for people who have editing possibilities ....

I'd like to be able to see a summury title table like the one attached...
that just before the first title section (the one in edit mode with ###) will describe all title...

is that more clear ? In french we use the term "table des matières"

Attachment Size
summury table.png 12.64 KB

As the handbook has grown, I'll do some experimentation with a ToC solutions. I'll report back when I have something to show.

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