Adding meassures before another one wich has set an actual duration diferent from the real one

• Feb 24, 2010 - 09:48


I'm using now MuseScore r2770. When I want to add a meassure before a another one wich actual duration is set to a different value than the real one, MuseScore adds the meassures also with this propertie. I didn't think deeply about the issue, but it seems not useful, because in most of cases you want that propertie only for one meassure, mostly in the first or last bar of a piece. Would not be better to add always the hole meassure?

I tried to select all the implied meassures to change their actual duration whit one mouse click, but when I press right mouse button, selection is reduced to only the meassure wich I'm clicking on. That could be also an improvement.



In reply to by alkayata

Actually, inserting measures normally looks at the actual duration of the measure before it. Since you are inserting at the very beginning there are no measures before it so it matches the time of the original first measure.

Maybe inserted measures should always have an actual duration that matches the nominal duration.

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