Can't install MuseScore 2.0 Beta under Vista

• Feb 7, 2015 - 21:16

I can't install Musescore 2.0 Beta under Vista. After Double-Clicking the .msi file, nothing happens. No error, nothing.
With other files the msi installer is working correctly.

Has anyone some ideas?



In reply to by Shoichi

Thank you for your reply,

I have downloaded Musescore 2.0 Beta several times, each time with the same result.

I have updated the Msi-Installer. I have checked, if the installer is working correctly and tested it with other .msi files.

I have deactivated antivirus and firewall, with the same result.

Now I'm working with an overnight-version of musescore, with no problems, because there is nothing to install.

Thank you.

In reply to by Grandms

The Nightly works well.
A final doubt (from beta 1 to beta 2): "... If you are installing a newer version of MuseScore but still want to keep the old version on your computer, then You Should change the folder. ..."
Had you considered this detail (from beta 1 to beta 2) ?
Buona musica.

In reply to by Shoichi

I never worked with beta1.
Until now I worked with musescore 1.3

And with the beta2 installation I never came to the point, where I was asked, in which folder I wish to install.
The process finishes without any messages from Vista or from the Musescore 2.0 beta.msi

Thank you for your efforts

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