Selection of MIDI instrument banks and changing instrument on same staff

• Feb 25, 2010 - 23:59

How about the capability of handling selection of more than the 1 bank of 128 instruments plus the last MIDI bank, percussion? The instrument list can easily be edited. If in the section of code that reads:


there were a provision for adding a bank number like 8 and having that read in MuseScore, it would make it possible to add other instruments that are in existing .sf2 files without having to do up new soundfont files.

Another feature that would be nice is to be able to change instrument on the same staff line. I know this is actually what's happening with String Normal, Pizz, and Tremolo and Brass sounds that include Mute, but seems like there should be a way of changing to any instrument as there is in other MIDI notation programs.

Norman Lowrey


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