• Feb 26, 2010 - 11:11

David, although the matter was already suggested as an RFE "Ultimate measure", I think raising an (educational) remark would be justified in the Handbook-Measure operations on the matter. Namely, on the importance of pairing the [pickup incomplete measure1] .....[complete measures .......].... [final incomplete measure2] where the lengths of incomplete measure1 and ncomplete measure2 must always add up to the length of a complete measure. It could be best illustrated with a tune with a repeat.


[pickup incomplete measure1] .....[complete measures .......].... [final incomplete measure2]

Why [incomplete measure1] and [incomplete measure2] should have special lenght? You can put anything you want !

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I'm not sure I understand correctly english, but I just want to point out that:

Editing choral scores for chorists not able to read music, I more than often sticks to the verse and use incomplet measures at the beginning, end, or "alsegno", because in fact these people read the lyrics, and obviously a broken lyrics is much more disturbing than a broke measure...
In old times there was no measures; only the "tactus".

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

lasconic, 'Why [incomplete measure1] and [incomplete measure2] should have special lenght?' In traditional music notation you are expected to observe this convention. The origin of it is that when you repeat a tune (for example in 3/4 and it starts with a pickup on the third beat - as illustrated in the attachment), the second verse also has to start on the third beat. And the third beat is preceded by the first and second beats, therefore the measure having the repeat barline (and by tradition, also the final bar) must not have more than two beats.

You can put anything you want ! Of korse u kan put evrifink in a bar, it luks kule (but imagine the slapstick disaster, if you have a complete bar before the next phrase in dance music or in a march....)

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