PDF into Musescore file?

• Feb 20, 2015 - 10:52

Is it possible to use sheet music saved on a PDF and open it with MuseScore?
If not how would I go about doing it?


The process is called OMR, it involves that the computer is able to read the music like a human and guess that some pixels are a quarter note.
There are a few commercial software that claim to do it and one single open source/free one named Audiveris.

To make it short, you can try to upload your PDF to http://musescore.com/import and wait for an answer. If your PDF is good quality, not too complex, it might work. If it doesn't you can spend some money on commercial software (maybe for the same result) or spend some time learning MuseScore and entering the notes by hand. Alternatively, you could check if the song is not already available on http://musescore.com/sheetmusic.

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