using the musemusic [view]-[piano keyboard] as a tempo entry pad

• Feb 27, 2015 - 17:30

I would line to use the built in musemusic [view]-[piano keyboard] as a tempo entry pad.
With the metronome tapping out the time signature (i.e. 3/4), I would like to tap on any key on the screen keyboard, the note's rhythm (i.e. 1/4 note. 1/2 note, whole note, etc...) , and then after slide the notes into the proper tones (ie. c,d, f, g.. etc).

Is that possible or do I need to get a plugin or wait for an update to version 2 beta?

Bug report:
If I select an existing note, and then right click on it, it will sound only once or two times (seems random whether 1 or two times) at most, and stop after max of two clicks.


There is no current plan to add a feature such as you describe to select duration. You have to use the regular methods - the toolbar or the keybaord shortcuts. Well, MIDI keyboards can select the duration as well.

I don't understand the bug. Right clicking doesn't play sound - only regular clicking. And for me, clicking always plays the sound, regardless of whether I previously right clicked or not Can you be more precise about the steps?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

For the note length using existing musemusic [view]-[piano keyboard] as a tempo entry pad.
I would think it would require some code change at the keyboard module, to not just select note tone, but length held down (i.e. mouse click down vs. mouse click up events ??).

On the right click or click selected note not sounding... it seems this happens when for some odd reason the [N] note entry icon and the toolbar containing the various note type (1/2, 1/4... etc) gets grayed out. The graying out of this toolbar seems to happen randomly. When it does, no matter how you select or click the note... no sound is heard. The graying out randomly happens when I click on the note... not the first time but randomly on doing it again on the same note.... odd?

In reply to by victor pierobon

Greying out of the note entry toolbar probably means you *double clicked* something, thus putting it in Edit mode. You are then locked ut of doing anything but the particular sort of manual adjustments supported for that element - eg, nudging with the cursor keys, adjusting length or shape of lines by dragging handles, etc. You get out of it by hitting Esc or by clicking somewhere else.

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