Clumsy Chordname

• Mar 8, 2010 - 18:39

I must say that this is an extremely clumsy chordname. There's WAY too many "words" for the concept. This is really unusable.


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clumsy.png 7.41 KB


I read your post 5 times and take a look to the image... Ok the chord extension is long but you input it I guess?
So what do you mean? What do you expect from MuseScore in this case?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

For me, I would like to see clearer, shorter chordnames for easier understanding.

For example, the past discussions regarding substituting symbols for text. An example of that would be using a triangle for "maj7" or a circle with a slash through it for 1/2 diminished rather than (m7b5). I also think that a capital M should be enough visual information for "major" rather than spelling it out more. The chart just looks so cluttered to me, and harder to read. Also, it sometimes increases the real estate a score requires.

In the attached example, if I were to notate it by hand, I would have "Eb followed by a circle to represent the diminished aspect followed by a triangle, or (my preference) a 7 enclosed by a circle for the major 7. It would reduce the size of the name and more clearly instruct what is being used. I don't understand why there's so much, what seems to me, extraneous "symbols" to communicate the intent of the chordname.

I guess its a difficult thing to integrate text and objects, but even the text as used contains too much redundancy, for example the above comment of using a capital M for major instead of Maj.

I really think this is a tremendous project.

MuseScore needs different representations of chord names to suit different people. I've never got along with the triangles and slashed circles. I much prefer text. To me letters and triangles is like reading two languages at once, but obviously some people prefer it.

Make the choice an option, please.


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