MuseJazz exporting to PDF as bold

• Mar 1, 2015 - 18:50

There is a problem reported where text created with the MuseJazz font is exported to PDF as bold, The same font looks normal on screen or in prints. See #48336: MuseJazz exports to PDF as bold on Windows.

I can reproduce the problem on my Windows machine but not on my current Ubuntu machine, so I am assuming for now the problem is Windows-only. Other fonts do not show this problem, so it seems it is something about MuseJazz specifically that causes this. Most likely, some setting in the MuseJazz font is triggering some sort of Qt bug.

Right now, that's all guesswork, and I have no insight into how to go about solving / working around the problem. Anyone with any sort of font expertise, I would love some help with this. This is something I would very much like to solve before release, and the clock is ticking...


I noticed the font on the exported Pdf. seems bold but I see it as just a dark font. I've printed a number and they came out fine. Running Windows 7.

I found a solution - well, a workaround for what definitely appears to be a Qt issue. Setting the font weight for MuseJazz to Book rather than Medium in the TTF file for MuseJazz seems to prevent Qt from messing with it on PDF export.

That's the last of the annoying system-specific Qt bugs I was worried about (all were on Windows), so I am happy :-).

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