reducing the number of measures in a staff

• Mar 7, 2015 - 04:40

I've read and reread the documentation, but I can't figure out how to reduce the number of measures in a staff from the preset number. If I use EDIT - MEASURES - DELETE SELECTED MEASURES, the measures come off the end but don't reduce number of measures in the selected staff.
A little help for a relative novice, please.


In reply to by cneste

Have you put notes in yet? MuseScore automatically spaces things out as you do. So even if there are 13 measures empty, there will likely be fewer once you add notes.

If you have added notes and still get 13 measures - I guess probably just very sinple measures like mostly whole notes? - then a line break is the way to go, as mentioned above. Click the barline you want to end the line with, hit Enter - same basic process as ending a line early in a text editor.

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