All Similar Elements In The Same Staff

• Mar 16, 2015 - 23:17

Perhaps I don't quite understand how this works. If I select the first note in a staff, right click, click on Select then All Similar Element In the Same Staff, should only the notes in that staff be selected? If so, why in the attached score, and every other score I have does all the notes in the score become selected?

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Nuages.mscz 26.01 KB


Because there is only one stave in your example; the stave runs the whole length of the score. You can, alternatively, select all notes in a range or all notes in a system (via Select->More...->Same System).

In reply to by underquark

I see. so the stave starts at the beginning of the score and follow the route around repeats and codas to the end of the score. Never knew that.

Then, what if I wanted to select just a range of notes. Lets say measures 2 through 4. How is that done? Would I use the select>shift>select then use the selection filter?

In reply to by rwmol

I suspect that what you are thinking of as a staff is really a *system* - one line of music. So "same system" is what you want. Or, if the range you want doesn't coincide with a system but is some arbitrary range of measures, Select / All similar elements in range selection.

Don't think of a staff as "following" anything. It doesn't; it just runs the length of score from beginning to end. You are mostly doing lead sheets, so you scores usually have only one staff. Only scores for more than one instrument would generally one multiple staves - then you'd have two parallel staves running the length of your score. Or, a piano score has two staves. Or a lead sheet if you add a second staff like for a bass line.

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