Double vision in musescore.

• Mar 18, 2015 - 20:12

I've been happily running version 1.2 on my 32 bit laptop with ubuntu 12.04 for a few years now, and a few days ago tried the pdf conversion. The first attempt didn't work, but my second try worked flawlessly.

While reading the forum, I discovered that my version had been replaced by 1.3, and there was a ppa that I should install to keep it up to date.
I used terminal to install the ppa, and then found that I had two copies of any music that I subsequently opened.
There may have been no connection between the two events, and I can't swear to the accuracy of my memory (age !).
I've tried removing the software, then reinstalled via the Ubuntu software centre the 1.3 version, but I still have the same problem.
I haven't looked at the possibility of removing the ppa, as I don't know how to, as yet.

Here's a screen shot.
Screenshot from 2015-03-18 20:05:49.png

Any help or suggestions gratefully received.


For the record, the "double vision" you describe is simply the result of your somehow having turned on the option Display / Documents Side by Side. So if you accidentally do it again, that's how to turn it off - no need to uninstall or revert to factory settings.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I hope not to open a can of worms here, but I don't understand how two instances of the same page from the same file can be construed as two 'documents'.

Being fumbled fingered and befuddled brained, I feel the possibility of my messing up the basic settings of the software a more likely explanation.
If just changing the 'view' was the cause, and I did try changing back from side by side to stack, it doesn't explain the duplication.
Closing one closed both, and any other file I opened also appeared in two side by side copies.

In conclusion, my new installation of 1.3 works perfectly, and I look forward to 2.0 .


In reply to by grey1beard

But actually, having the same score open in two different windows is kind of nice sometimes - could make certain copy & paste operations easier, for example. Or just to look at one section of the score for reference while working on another. I should think of this more often; I probably don't get as much value out of this feature as I could!

In reply to by Shoichi

I don't understand what you mean that the changes "are relfected on both" if the scores are different - how could changes to one score affect another?

But then viewing the *same* score in both windows, yes, changes in one window are relfected in the other. Thast's totally necessary for the sorts of things I was describing to work correctly - you would need to be able to work freely in both windows confident that you are affecting the same score. If you want two different copies of the score, you can do a save as and load the copy into one window.

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