Scoring with e-drums

• Mar 31, 2010 - 16:35

I played a bit with my E-Drums last night and managed to get them configured to enter notes into MuseScore.
It wasn't terribly difficult, but did require making one change in the drum brain.

1) in I/O properties, select your Midi input device (and restart MuseScore if necessary)
2) Create a new drum score
3) Right click on the staff and select "edit Drumset". adjust the notes to match what your drum brain is producing. (My DM5 already matched MuseScore, so no changes were needed.)
4) This is the tricky part. It seems that MuseScore currently only listens on midi channels 0 and 1 so you have to set your drum brain to transmit on one of those channels (drums usually use channel 10). you'll have to read your manual for this one, but if you've got a DM5 press the MIDI button once, use the arrow key to select the channel, and dial it down to 0.

At this point, you should be able to go into note entry mode and select the note type 1/4, 1/8 etc and tap a trigger and have the note appear on your score.

Multiple notes (HiHat + snare for instance) don't seem to show up as chords, this might have limited functionality at this point.


I use a roland TD6KV and I follow your advices. It works ! I don't have problem for chords/multiple note entry. So as discussed on IRC, I guess the midi events are not ordered in the same way by our respective drum module.

I used MuseScore r2925 self built on windows to do this test.

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