Define flag/beam shortening threshold

• Mar 22, 2015 - 19:02

When i flip up the stems on notes that are at the top of a staff, i expect the flag/beam/stem to remain just as tall, up to a certain point, which apparently is much more than the default. It looks like a note with an upstem that is higher than an octave above middle C will have its stem and beam decreased in length a certain amount. I'd like to be able to define that note where MuseScore begins shortening those upstems (or downstems on the lower half of staves), because MuseScore's layout rules are not quite the same as mine.


The rules MuseScore uses are reaosnably standard, but if you prefer a different layout, see Style / General / Notes, the "Progression" and "Shortest stem" settings. Unfortuntely, it doesn't let you define where this starts, but depending on how you like it, you might find that these do end up giving you the control you want at least most of the time, so only afew pitches would need manual adjustment. You might also consider whether it is really worth producing your own rules for such things, though.

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