How do I change two tied notes into a single note?

• Mar 27, 2015 - 10:42

Dear all,

I'm writing after trying to resolve an issue in my file, with no success... I have written a fie in 4/4 signature, and at the middle of the file I inserted a 3/8 signature, then changed my mind and erased it. But it affected all the notes after the 3/8 sign, as they changed from quarter notes to tied eighth notes!!! and even when the 3/8 was removed, I can't revert back to simple quarter notes. Could you please suggest a solution to bringing back the values?

The attached file shows the problem clearly...

Many thanks!


There is no autoamtic function to convert all ties notes to a single note. You could go through and change the lengths of the notes individual - while not in note entry mode, click a note, select the duration you want.

However, if you haven't already closed the score or worked on it much further, there is a much easier way - "undo". That's what you should have done in the first place instead of deleting the 3.8 - just undo the operation. But if you haven't done much else, it's not too late - undo whatever work you have done since posting this, hit undo again to undo the deletion of the 3.8, then undo once more to undo the original adding of the 3/8.

In reply to by [DELETED] 1831606

Thank you very much for the answers!

Indeed the "undo" would be the simpler solution, if I had the file still open, but I saved and closed it before I noticed the changes in the time values. The correction with "w" was perfect, I navigated with the arrows and solved it for the entire file. You saved my work so thanks again!

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