Burning my Compositions to CD

• Apr 11, 2010 - 10:32

Because the music is saved in mscz. form, all I seem to be able to do is burn the data to CD. How can I burn a CD, so that I can Listen to the actual Music?????? Please can you help me........desperately waiting!!!!!!!


Err... to listen the score you have just written (or while you are scoring it, for that matter), you can:

1) Press the Play button and listen at an immediate MIDI rendition
2) Export ("Files | Save as...") to several sound formats, including MIDI, WAV, FLAC, OGG (these are in latest build, older versions may have less formats) for transfer to other devices (including CD's).

If you have specific needs, helping would be easier if you specify them and also if you tell us your MuseScore version and operating system, while you are at it.


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