new musescore user has a few questions

• May 7, 2010 - 19:32

Hi, I've recently started using Musescore and have been very happy with it, but I still haven't been able to work out how to do certain tasks:

- Pedal notation.
- Overlapping notes in the same stave: If I wanted to have a 3 beat chord where a note changes on the 2nd beat while the others around it are still held, I'm finding that chords don't like having notes of different lengths in them in my score, the notation I want to create would be like that shown here:… , but with both parts together in the treble clef.
- I downloaded and attempted to install the fluid soundfont, however it has been compressed using this tar gz system and I've had no luck decoding it even with 7zip, is there anywhere I can download it as just the uncompressed file?

Thanks v much :)



For pedal notation see Line in the handbook. Current versions of MuseScore do not have very advanced support for pedal markings.

For "overlapping notes" read the explanation and instruction in the handbook: Voices

When you decompress the .tar.gz file the first time with 7-Zip you will get a .tar file. You need to decompress again to get to the actual SoundFont files. Follow the instructions closely in the handbook SoundFont . If you get stuck at a particular step, tell us what step you are on and what you are having difficult with at that particular step.

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