Wrong word on the menu

• May 12, 2010 - 16:42

Some problems with Italian translation.
The word "system" in music context (two or more staff linked toghether) should be translated as "accollatura". In computing context (e.g. "operating system") should be translated as "sistema".

Windows XP, MuseScore 0.9.6 RC1 (the same in Nightly 3072), when I use the Italian translation, from the menu "Modifica -> Preferenze -> Lingua" (in English "Edit -> Preferences -> Language"), instead of "Sistema" is displayed the wrong word "Accollatura" (first item over "Afrikaans").
The word "accollatura" is wright used in the other context (e.g. "Stile -> Modifica stile generale" third item on the left under "Spartito" and "Pagina")

I check up on the translation server, but the words are rigth translated: selecting Italian translation, context "PrefsDialogBase", contains "system", button "filter", the result is only one item (Source text -> "System", and Translation -> "Sistema").
Otherwise if I select context "All", contains "system", the translation server show two pages with items right translated as "...accollatura...".

Best regards


In reply to by Thomas

the translation problem still remains (Windows XP, MuseScore 0.9.6 RC1, Nigthly 3114).
I suppose that in the dialog box "Edit -> Preferences -> Language" the original word "System" (first item over "Afrikaans") is the one displayed on the translation server in context "PrefsDialogBase".
In Finnish, on the translation server, this word appears untraslated in that context, but if I use MuseScore with the Finnish interface, in "Edit -> Preferences -> Language" (in Finnish "Muokkaa -> Asetukset -> Kieli") is displayed "Viivastokokonaisuus".
On the translation server the word "Viivastokokonaisuus" appears only in context: EditStyleBase.
I think that's a bug.

This is a very big problem: in Italian language the words "sistema" and "accollatura" are very different!

Best regards

In reply to by Thomas

Hi Thomas,
Thanks for your fast reply.
I've just changed the word "System" in context "MuseScore" from "Accollatura" to "Sistema (*)", and I'm waiting in order to download the updated mscore_it.qm file.
But I'm still in doubt: in Finnish the word in this context is not translated!


In reply to by antoniomarchionne

I pushed the creation of the qm file and it comes out well. So that's fixed.

Open questions:
- What's the 'system' string in context 'PrefsDialogBase'. It's in the ts file but most likely obsolete.
- Does the swedish one needs correction?

In reply to by Thomas

I've just downloaded the mscore_it.qm file and it works well (Windows XP, MuseScore 0.9.6 RC1).
About Finnish translation ... I don't know, I've just taken the Finnish language as an example!
Best regards

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