
• May 18, 2010 - 18:02

Twice over the last couple days I've come into work to find that (and has been down. Is this on my end or are you guys having some problem with the site?


I got a Twitter message from the MuseScore team yesterday that they have indeed been having some server issues, but they're on it, so hopefully they've got it ironed out.

Indeed, the website has been down 3 times over the past days. It was due to higher traffic than normal. We've made some tweaks and have noticed that the website kept running the past 24 hours. We might have to scale up (hardware), to prevent this problem in the future.

While initially, the down time was attributed to higher traffic, still encountered those nasty 'too many mysql connections' shut downs in the past 3 weeks. So the real problem had to be searched for somewhere else. After 3 weeks of debugging, we are pretty confident we found it.

The downtime started to happen when we released two new translated handbooks on the Japanese and Simplified Chinese one. At that time we didn't know this yet. After analyzing the incoming http requests, we noticed that the [language code]/download-handbook url might be the cause. The callback of this url retrieves the handbook pdf from the SourceForge repository and pipes through the server to the client and a pushed download. Obviously, this requires CPU & MEM but it has run without problems for the past 1.5 years. However, together with the release of the Chinese & Japanese handbook, the Baidu spider came along and it indexed the pdf. Apparently, these handbooks are pretty popular (especially the Japanese one) in search results.

The download script has been optimized now (it's a redirect) and things are back to normal.

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