multi measure rest

• May 25, 2010 - 20:36


Windows XP pro
Nightly R3095

Multi measure rests should not be active when something is written in the bar. Whether text or chords etc.
In the enclosed example I have 3 bars with chords attached to the (invisible) rests. And in the first bar also a forte-sign.

The first picture is from the score, which is OK - and how I want it to look, but in the second picture from the pdf-piano-part the multi measure rest has been activated.

I do not think it should be that way ??


Attachment Size
measure.pdf 62.01 KB


You can break this behavior by right clicking a measure and choosing Measure Properties -> break multi measure rests.
I agree that it could be done automatically.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I did that on the piano part in the score. But know none of the other instruments in the use the multi measure rest (?)

If that is correct behaviour of Musescore, then how can it be undone ?

.. and I will have to find another solution using notes with slashes....


In reply to by ph

.. I guess I must write the first line again, due to bad spelling:

I did that on the piano part in the score. But now none of the other instruments in the score uses the multi measure rest.


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