Possible underscore bug

• Jun 17, 2010 - 17:19

I did a search for Underscore, but couldn't find exactly this reported.

In my Musescore 9.6 on Windows XP, there seems to be a minor, intermittent glitch: existing lyric syllable, select it to revise, move cursor to end, type two underscores. Usually works fine, but sometimes you get a weird, thicker, sort of greyed out underscore instead of the standard one (has happened only once), other times you get no underscore, the lyric cursor simply moves to the next note as if you had pressed enter, but when you click elsewhere to get out of lyric entry mode, the underscore is suddenly there (has happened several times.) The greyed out thick underscore is still there when you save the file and get it again. So far as I know, I didn't change any setting while editing lyrics which would cause the to happen only sometimes. I've only seen this in editing existing lyrics, but I haven't yet tried to put underscores in newly entered lyrics. Has anyone else seen this?


OK -- since I wrote what's below, I looked at the Handbook again and realized that the "greyed out" note is really supposed to be red or yellow. I was confused because I was looking for references to "greyed out." So the question is:

1) is the fact that on my machine the out of range note is grey rather than red or yellow a bug?

2) Why was one isloated underscore thicker and greyed out? I so far can't find anything in the Handbook about that.

(By the way I think there is a typo in the manual section about note colors: "MuseScore colors out-of-range notes for as yellow or red..." ("for" not needed.))

[Since I posted the above, I've seen another example of a greyed out underscore, and also I got an isolated greyed-out half note. Is this a feature which I'm unknowingly doing something to make happen?

I'm appending an attachment copy of the measure with a greyed-out half note (at least that's how it looks on my screen.) For some reason I couldn't copy the greyed out underscore -- I couldn't even select it.]

Attachment Size
greyout.mscz 1.44 KB

MuseScore 0.9.6 under WinXP here.

I looked at your example: the first note head is gray in my PC too; mind: only the head, not the stem. I did not find a reason why it should look that way.

Neither setting its colour manually to black or un-checking the "Color notes outside usable range" preference change it back to normal.

Not very useful, I know, but at least it confirm your findings...


In reply to by Miwarre

The note is not really grey but like yellow/green and it's because the note is in the "amator" range. If you got to preferences and uncheck "Color notes outside usable range" it does turn black for me.

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