Short score: English Air

• Jun 20, 2010 - 16:20

Another early composition with MuseScore 0.9.6. This is also an introduction (think under the opening credits) for something like a BBC period show, maybe something about some proper British gardeners who discover a not-so-nice secret in the root cellar, or the local bishop and his dotty aunt. Something like that.

Score for English Horn, Piano and Violin, but also sounds nice with clarinet, piano and flute, or try your own combination (the magic of MIDI!). Love to hear feedback on melody or the notation.

Attachment Size
English Air.mscz 5.27 KB


I would recommend putting the violin at the top (instead of below the piano). If you are writing a full orchestral score the strings would go below the piano but it seems out of place to me for the small ensemble. Take a look at some piano trios for an example.

How to change part order

Thanks for the comment. For anyone interested, I took the suggestion and moved the violin part to the top. Here's how to do it:

To change the order (position) of a part in a score:

1. Choose Create > Instruments.

2. In the instruments dialog box, click to select the part you want to move in the right list (the box with Staves and Clef columns). The instrument you select gets highlighted.

3. Click the "Up" or "Down" button to move the part higher or lower in the list. In this case I clicked "Up" twice to move the violin part to the top of the list.

4. When you finish making adjustments, click OK.

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