create part - crash

• Jun 21, 2010 - 22:28


BEWARE - enslosed file may crash not only Musescore but also your computer and you will have to restart.

Made on Windows XP pro and a long row of beta/nightly during the past months.

This is originally a score also including a lot of horns, but since I had no problems with them, I have removed them from this file.

If you will try to help me, make a copy of the file first, because if it crashes it cannot be opened anymore.

So - the problem:

Open the score. Create a part of any of the 3 instruments. Try to save this part. - now in most cases Musescore freezes - and mostly also the rest of the computer !
IF you get past the saving-part-procedure, then try to alter the number of measures in system from 5 to 8. CRASH again.

There are strange things involved - i.e. hidden breaks, slash notes, and change of velocity.

Difficult to explain all the procedures I have tried to get my parts printed. Really hope there is a way out...


Attachment Size
crash.mscz 9.86 KB


If I open the file you attached it crashes right away. Do you have a different version of the file that opens without crashing like you described?

In reply to by David Bolton

Hi David,

I have too much trouble trying to figure out how to make a file ready to open to try to find out what may be wrong.

Luckily I had a not too old print of the whole score, so I decided not to spend more time on the error and removed the 3 instruments from the score, and then put them back again as new instruments. And I am now working on entering the music again. I check regularly if I can make parts - and until now it seems OK.

During this procedure I notice something that I should be very aware of: Dragging symbols from the Z-pallette you must be very careful where they are anchored. Sometimes, and I can't figure out how, they suddenly seem to anchor somewhere on top of the score instead of the current measure. If they anchor somewhere else, might that be a reason for the crash? since when trying to create at part with a symbol anchored somewhere else, Musescore gets confused.


In reply to by David Bolton

that there is a space between two staves that is "no man's land" and if you drag to this space the symbols achor to the top staff, but same measure. You can tell from the dotted line.

..but I doubt that this will cause a crash - for the moment I dare not try. :-)


In reply to by ph

I'm not able to find "no man's land". For me it either anchors to the nearest staff. Can you give more specific examples? Maybe attach an example score and describe the exact point your are dragging to.

In reply to by David Bolton

see enclosed file.
The are 2 slashes in the alto flute. The second anchors in piccolo flute (at least at the time I send this file - because sometimes, when one symbol anchors wrong, the neighbor is infected !!)

Cannot reproduce always 100%, but I suspect something like this:

If the Z-pallette is placed over the actual bar so that the anchor-rope cannot see the anchor point in the "flute"-staff above, then there is the risk that it will jump to the top staff. If the pallette covers the border-point between "alto flute" and "flute".
and you are not aware when the rope shifts between alto flute and flute.
Hope you got what I mean.
Let me hear if you can reproduce.


Attachment Size
anchors away.mscz 1.77 KB

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