Putting "block" of lyrics into score

• Jun 23, 2010 - 17:21

There is a convention sometimes used in song scores, where the melody is simple and the lines are numerous but very regular, where you only print the lyric syllables under the score for the first stanza, and then just print the rest of the lyrics as a poem-like text underneath. This is actually easier to read, and to sing, than trying to keep track of numerous lines of hyphenated syllables under the notes. Most scores that I've seen of traditional folk ballads, for instance, are like this.

Is there a way to do this in Musescore -- basically, putting some kind of frame into the score in which you could put (preferably by pasting from another text like in a word processor or on a web page) any text you want? I thought I saw something like this referred to on one of the forums, but now I can't find it again. Thanks for any help.


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Thanks. The schnee score looks like what I want to do, and I read the frame section. The problem is, despite the fact that the documentation says that frames can include text, I can create a frame but can't figure out how to get text in it. I create a vertical frame, ok. I click in it, type, no text. I double click in it, get a square which lets me change the frame size, but still can't get a cursor in the frame or put text in it. Oddly, if I right click in the frame, Paste is enabled on the right-click menu, but if I then go to a web page and copy something and go back to the frame and right click again, past is greyed out! So can any tell me what the trick is to being able to type or copy text into a frame once you've created one?

[Apparently I can move lyric text a syllable at a time from existing lyrics into the frame, but that seems an awfully awkward and round about way of doing it. Surely there is something easier? And if I drag select existing lyrics I can cut them and they disappear, but then I can't paste them into the frame.]

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