Arranging music and posting it plus copyright issues

• Jun 12, 2015 - 16:34

I have arranged several pieces of music and would like to post them. (I did search the handbook for this but found nothing). I do know that in order to legally make an arrangement, you have to get permission from the owner of the song if its owned. If I post it without permission, could I get copyrighted and penalized? Also, There's a copyright infringement report when people view the arrangement, what is the correct way to use it? (I don't remember reading about this in terms of service). I'm asking this so I don't get a lot of copyright infringement charges heading my way if I post.


First, a question of terminology: "copyrighted" is not something someone does to you; it describes the status of a piece. So no, no one can "copyright" you :-). They can, however, sue you for copyright infringement if you post an arrangement of a piece that is copyrighted by them (that is, if they own the copyright for that piece). The specifics of copyright law differ from country to country, but anyhow, your initial understanding is basically correct: you need permission from the copyright owner of a piece of music in order to publish (including simply posting it online) an arrangement of a copyrighted work. Otherwise you are opening up the possibility of being sued. How realistic a worry that is, or the morality of copyright law is the source of endless debate, of course.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Well, has any poster of a piece (their own arrangement) been sued before? Do a lot of the posters have actual permission to post the piece? I intend on posting my arrangements of popular songs, but I worry about copyright issues. Should I post it and hope for the best?

In reply to by Elwin

I'm wondering whether anyone's ever been sued too. I've spent endless hours arranging some David Garrett music for the violin, and I'd really like for others to benefit from my work. He inspired me to get back into the instrument and I imagine it's the same for others. I understand he's thinking of releasing sheet music but if he doesn't, or until he does, I'd really like to use my work to enable others to be equally inspired by his music by publishing the transcriptions I've done.

I would suggest, though, that at a minimum you change your username to something that is different from your real name!! ;)

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