12/8 still notates as 4/4

• Jul 18, 2010 - 17:53

When I create a lead sheet and then choose 12/8 I expect 8th notes to automatically be in groups of 3. Instead the program insists they be in groups of 2 as would be the case with 4/4 or any time signature based upon 2,4,8 etc. As it is I have to breack each measure up with 4 quater note rests and then divide those into triplets. This is time consuming and not productive. is there a way to create a 6/8 or 12/8 style that will do this?


I just created a new score, with 12/8 signature, and filled the first measure with 8th notes.....they went by 3....

Ubuntu 10.4, musescore 0.9.6 révision 3145

ah.....I edit since after writing I saw your second message.......in fact one doesn't see following messages which happen between the time one last connected to include the messages in the mailer and the time one jump to the net to give an answer...;;

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