Abbreviated Tuplets can not be copied

• Jun 14, 2015 - 19:15

I have a second voice in the left hand of this piano piece. Both the first and the second voice in the left hand are tripplets. I deleted the number, the bracket and the pauses of the second voice tripplets for clarity. This bar can not be copied when written like that.

Please look at the example to understand what I mean.

Possibly copy&paste on such a bar might demand too much re-programming to make it work but I wanted to report it anyway.

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bug.jpg 184.38 KB


It's easier to help if you post the actual score you are having problmes with and give precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem.

It is true you cannot copy incomplete tuplets - you would need to select a full measure or other larger range that includes the tuplet. From the looks of what you have posted, it probably *should* have worked, but especially complex tuplets can fool MuseScore, especially if they involve the need to divide the beat into a a number of parts that does not divide evenly into 480 (so, 7, 9, 11, 13, etc).

I tried it including hiding the brackets for Voice 1 and hiding the brackets and numbers for Voice 2. I then hid the rests in Voice 2 to get it to look like your picture. It copied and pasted just fine.

I then deleted the rests in Voice 2 and it doesn't copy because the rests are art of the triplet and the rests have been deleted so the triplets are, technically, incomplete.

Best advice is to never delete rests but to make them invisible if you don't want them seen.

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