Changing articulation velocities

• Jun 15, 2015 - 22:26

I have a score I am writing that features a few accented trumpet chords. However, when playing back the score I find that many of the other instruments are too quiet relative to the trumpets. I can't simply turn down the trumpet parts in the mixer because this problem only applies on accented notes.

Is there any way to turn down the velocity of accented notes? Or any way to disable the effects of articulation ornaments entirely? I've already tried editing the instruments.xml file, so if there is any other way to lower the sounds that doesn't use that I would appreciate it. Thanks


That's the only way I know to change the defaults for accents, including disabling the effect entirely. You can of course (?) change the velocity for any given notes using the Inspector.

In reply to by MasterFrank

Did you tell MuseScore to use your modified file in Edit / Preferences / Score? If so, then maybe you could explain what specific changes you tried to make - maybe show a diff against the original version? Should be just a matter of removing the sforzato-related tags, or maybe setting velocity to 100.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I attached the file I've been using. I set all of the velocities and gateTimes to 100. Please note that I am relatively new to this program and not so familiar with the technical aspect of things. I probably missed something obvious.

I have told MuseScore where the file is, and I've tested it in multiple places on my computer. As I said, I'm probably just making a dumb mistake or something

Attachment Size
instruments.xml 411.46 KB

In reply to by MasterFrank

FWIW, you didn't get all the Articulation definitions - do a search, and you'll see there are others within the instrument definitions. This allows different instruemnts to have different defaults. But the only instruments that did this were a handful of drums, so that shouldn't be affecting your trumpet.

Other than that, it looks good, so I can only you somehow id something wrong in specifying your alternate file. You went to Edit / Preferences / Score and changed the instrument list from ":/data/instruments.xml" to instead load your modified version? And you restarted MuseScore after doing that?

Hmm, it now occurs to me, this type of change probably would affect existing scores - the information from the instruments.xml they were created with would now be incorporated into the file. It might work to do a "Change Instrument" (in Staff Properties) for the trumept and any other staves you are concerned with. Probably just "changing" to the same instrument would cause it to re-read the info, but I can't say for sure if it would come from the original instruments.xml or the modified one.

Failing all that, you could save the score as MSCX, then open the file in a text editor and make the same changes there.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

So after about an hour of fiddling around with the file and stuff, your "Change Instrument" method actually worked. I've tried something like that before, but it looks like you just need to go through and change the instrument to itself, and it seems to have done the trick. All of the new scores are working and all of my old scores simply need to be "refreshed."

Thanks a lot for your help!

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