Copy and Pasting Tempo Markings

• Jun 15, 2015 - 23:08

Is there a way to copy and paste everything in a score to another score including tempo markings? What I have done is I made a rough draft of a band score on a piano score and was hoping to copy over the whole project onto a band template but it only copies over the notes. . :/


Tempo markings are not copied as part of a range because in many situations, you wouldn't *want* them duplicated (eg, copying a flute part to a clarinent part - you wouldn't want two tempo markings). But tempo markings can be copied individually. Just click one, copy, click the corresponding spot in the other score, paste.

If you have a lot of them, I probably wouldn't use copy and paste. I'd just add the appropriate staves to the existing score. Next time, I'd just start off with a band score, and maybe add a temporary piano staff if you want to work out the ideas that way.

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