Bad Format Error

• Jun 16, 2015 - 02:23

I accidentally left my composition up on the laptop after closing it down. After reopening the computer, I realized what I did, and continued to edit the file. I closed it down, but it wouldn't reopen. It has the bad format error that I've seen others on here have before. I just recently updated to the 2.0.1. Please see if you can fix this problem, and then tell me how you fixed it so I can do it on my own next time. Thank you.

Attachment Size
The Planets.mscz 41.42 KB


I don't quite understand what you did - there shoudln't normally be a problem leaving a file open when closing a laptop.

Anyhow, an MCZ file is a ZIP archive, and can be opened with any program that handles that format. Sometimes the file is so corrupt it can't be opened at all by any ZIP program, and in those cases, there is nothing we can do. but in this case, the archive is fine; it's the MSCX file inside that has a problem. I opened the MSCX file in a text editor, went to line 1588 (where MsueScore reported the error if you press Show Details), correct what appeared to be a bad "font" tag in the name of the clarinet staff, then saved and tried again. It then reported another error in line 1804 - same bad tag, this type in Bb Trumpet. After fixing that, now it's fine.

Any additional insight you can hare into how this might have happened - something you were doing involving those staff names? Was the score imported from an earlier version of another program?

Attachment Size
The Planets.mscz 41.45 KB

Oh. I was changing the short and long instrument names for clarinet and trumpet to make it smaller and more comparable in size to the other instrument name sizes. I guess I did it wrong. Should it work now?

In reply to by glridgel7

Nothing you could have done *should* have been able to cause that kind of error, so there is a bug somewhere that would be nice to fix. Do you remember what you did more specifically? Was the score imported from 1.3? If so, that would explain why the sizes weren't already the same.

Anyhow, the file I attached should work indeed.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

No, but I did import a drumline soundfont (I think that's the name) into the program to add quads, snares, basses, etc. and I had trouble getting that to default correctly, but I fixed that. I can't really think of anything else.

Thank you so much. I put a lot of effort into this and I didn't want to lose it.

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