Changing Default Font(s)?

• Aug 4, 2010 - 08:47

Hi there!

I am using MuseScore 0.9.6 on Ubuntu 10.04. When I start/open a new score, the default font is set to Times New Roman, which is rendered in my Ubuntu as Liberation Serif, as I do not have Times New Roman installed as of yet.

Is it possible to change this default font for ALL scores? If I, for instance, wanted all new scores to have Arial or something else as default, installed or not, is it possible?




I think it's not possible for the moment. As a workaround, you could define a style with the right font, save it and apply it to any new song you create. You could also create a template with this style.
I could be a great addition to consider the Preferences->Import style when creating a new score, but I think it's not the case for the moment.

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"You could define a style with the right font" -- in theory, sure, but this feature doesn't seem to be implemented. In my experience changing the font in a text style has no effect, either on new text or on text that has already been created. It's still necessary to edit a text element's properties and change the font there from Times New Roman to something more suitable..

This has been the case for me, at least, through 0.9.6. (If it's been fixed in, I wouldn't be aware of it because the Windows XP crash issue is preventing me from using it.)

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