List of Palettes and access to shortcuts

• Jun 25, 2015 - 20:31

Hi, I am a new user of Musescore and I love it...but I have a few request to make. I speak french so I hope that I will express myself clearly..

1-it would be easier to find what we are looking for in the "Pallettes list " if it was in alphabetical order.

2- if the shortcuts were accessible directly on the main menu line, it would be faster to find them.

Thank you for this great software.


You can reorder the palettes however you like. Press "+" at the bottom to create a new worksapce, then right click a palette and use Move up/down. FWIW, though, I think the existing order is meant to somehow reflect the order in which you'd be most likely to use them, Clefs, key sigs, and time sigs are among the first things you need, formatting things like breaks and spacers among the last. But that said, it's not very consistent.

As for shortcuts, there are very very many of them - too many to list conveniently in menus. They are instead all listed in the dialog where can customize them - Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts.

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