abc import

• Jul 2, 2015 - 15:29

I have some music produced by old software .
Recently I found out this software will produce abc format so I thought:
1. export from old software as abc
2. use plugin "ABC import" in MuseScore 2
3. modify the music as required.

I did that but what I end up with bears scant resemblance to what I started with.

This could be an issue with the abc file produce by the old software but I don't know enough about abc formats to decide that or it could just be that I'm doing something wrong.

I'm using MuseScore 2.0.1 rel b25f81d in Win 7 Pro.

I've attached:
1. a pdf output by the old software showing what I'm starting from.
2. the abc file produced by the old software (renamed to COP abc.txt)
3. a pdf from MuseScore after using the abc import plugin. This is not the same as in 1 what I expected it to be so.

Anyone tell me where I've gone wrong?

Attachment Size
Original COP.PDF 132.89 KB
COP abc.txt 987 bytes
Cop from Musescore after import of abc.pdf 28.69 KB


Comparing the three, I'd say MuseScore's import looks to be a faithful recreating of the ABC file. Unfortunately, the content of the ABC bears little resemblance t the original - whatever software generated it apparently does not understand the ABC format very well. It didn't understand how to create a system with two staves, so instead it alternated treble and bass clef staves line by line, and also got the pitches wrong for the bass clef staff, interpreting them as if they were treble clef.

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