Computer freezes on opening 2.0.1

• Jul 4, 2015 - 18:46

Well, I've been a user of MuseScore for a long time, so I finally got around to installing 2.0.1 today, aaaaand my computer froze when it tried to launch. I had to cut the power and restart. I did a few things to try to correct it and froze my PC twice more, then I uninstalled it and tried downloading the installer package again and froze my computer a fourth time. I wish I could offer some sort of crash log or other information, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to go about getting it.
I'm running Windows 8.1 on a Lenovo PC, yada yada hardware that I seriously doubt is relevant. I've never had an issue with MS 1.x or most other programs so I think it's safe to assume it's a x.0 issue. If anybody has any suggestions then please offer them, but I'm regarding this as a bug report and I probably won't try again until an update or two later.


There have been a small numebr of people wih startup problems on Windows. In some cases, I believe the problems have been traced to incompatible browser plugins, in other cases it turns out it was necessary to have headphones or speakers connected, etc. You might want to search the support forum for other reports to see if the various solutions that worked for others will work for you. But so far, we have not succeeded in reproduing any of these problems ourselves, so we are still relying on users to help us diagnose the issues.

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