Bar numbers don't stay where I put them

• Jul 10, 2015 - 15:36

Hi everyone,
A lot of times after I complete a score, and then reload it, the bar numbers have moved several spaces further above the staves. I can't say exactly under what conditions this happens--for example, all bars numbered, bars numbered every 5 bars etc...

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this. It's an easy fix, however, I don't see why the bar numbers don't stay "parked." Thanks.

- Lee


As always, it helps to post the score you are haviung problmes with. But I can guess at what might be happening. Bar numbers are generated on the fly, since depending on your option settings, they might occur in different measures. So they are not normal text that you can reasonably expect to just drag around and expect them to stay fixed. If the layout changes, that bar number might not even exist any more. In general, if you don't like the position of bar numbers, you should change the bar number text style, not drag them individually.

That said, if the bar numbers don't change, they *should* and generally do stay put, so if you are seeing an exception, it is worth posting.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc,

It doesn't happen too often. It seems to happen when I finish a score and have placed the bar numbers into a final position--just above the bar lines. When I reload the score, they have all moved considerably higher than where they were left. The good news is, I can select them all, and then cycle the up/down arrows in the Inspector. The numbers re-park themselves exactly where they were. It's probably "pilot error." I'll keep going, and if I have issues I will post the score(s).

As always, great program!!! Many thanks.

- Lee

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