File corrupted (Musescore 2.0 error)

• Jul 11, 2015 - 21:54

I wrote a piece in musescore 1.0 called flight (can be seen here)

In musescore 1, it works fine, but when I transfer it to musescore 2, the program tells me that the file is corrupted, when I look at details, I see this error message "Measure 137, expected 6/8, found 9/8" When I look at the time signature, it looks like it is 6/8, like its supposed to be, but for whatever reason musescore 2 sees that measure as 9/8. Any ideas?


FYI, the problem existed in MsueScore 1.3, too - it's just that the old version would not bother detecting and warning you about the problem. Load the file into the old version and see for yourself. The trombone, cello, and bass staves clearly have too many beats in them, both in 1.3 and in 2.0. This shouldn't happen, of cours,e but bugs in the program sometimes cause this. For 2.0, we fixed all the ones we found in 1.3, so hoepfully this won't happen again with any new scores you create, but most likely there are others we haven't caught yet.

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