Mixing Roman with Italics in any of the text options

• Aug 29, 2010 - 03:58

A couple of questions concerning working with text.

1. I can't find a way to make some words italic and some roman in a line of text. I'm just wondering if it is possible?

2. It looks like the words in lyrics are centered by default under the notes. It would be nice to be able to left align then at the beginning of each line. So far I haven't found a way to do it. Is it possible?



In reply to by David Bolton

Well none of the alignment stuff has worked for me so far. So I guess I just need to play with it some more.

As far as manually dragging text it would be nice if one could move or nudge items on the page with the arrow keys. I don't know if that can be done by using some modifier keys or not. So far the arrow keys don't work.


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